Enrolment Form

Enrolment form

    Conditions of Enrolment

    1. Enrolment fee $35 + GST per year per student applies and is payable on the enrolment day or the first day of class. This is to cover insurance whilst your child is on our premises and all other associated licensing fees.
    2. All “private” dance classes will be negotiated with Miss Lesley.
    3. All “private” singing classes must be paid by the Term in advance and conditions 5, 6 and 7 apply.
    4. The timetable can be viewed here.
    5. If a student attends the Studio on a “Casual” basis, then there will be a $2 surcharge added to the fee. If you choose to pay by the term then the applicable fees must be paid by the end of the second week of term, otherwise the casual loading will be charged.
    6. No refund of fees for missed classes.
    7. No refund of fees for the Term will be made if a student is withdrawn from the studio during a Term, or absent for any reason.
    8. The Studio will take no responsibility for any loss or damage to personal property.
    9. You grant permission for any photographic images of your child to be used on our website or social media pages for promotional purposes.

    N.B. If your child has a medical condition, i.e. asthma, allergies, etc. that we should be made aware of, please let us know.